Webflow memberships, a game-changer for your business in 2022

Remote work is the new norm and it’s not going away anytime soon. Companies in the last 3 years have changed their hiring processes and started recruiting staff remotely to save costs, in particular, the rise of remote web designers. Remote web designers are one of the most sort after virtual roles for startups and small businesses as designing and contantly maintaining and updating your website design can keep you stay ahead of the competition. Designing a website is easy however maintaining and training staff on a new content management system can be challenging, costly and time sensitive, this is where a webflow membership helps. Let’s discuss how subscribing to a webflow membership can help save you time, money, and flexibility.

Save money

Monthly webflow memberships can save you time, and a lot of it. For example, Hong Kong-based webflow agency Roflow provides a design + webflow membership, ideal for those looking for a packaged service of both front-end development with regular help with tweaks, changes, and content updates for $3,499 per month. Companies looking to hire a full-time web designer will need to pay twice the price of Roflow’s price or more.

The median salary of a web developer in 2020 is $77,200 per year quoted on money.usnews.com, without including the price of healthcare, desk space, and more. The most efficient way to save hiring costs for your web design projects is to hire a remote web designer or agency and pay a membership fee for maintenance.

Save time

Time is a precious commodity for hyper-growth startups and new businesses. In a statement from eu-startups.com, they highlight a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “Invest more time than money.” highlighting a mindest shift for businesses in 2022. One of the most challenging and time-consuming nature of a startup business is the constant hiring and rehiring of talent, retaining staff nowadays is like winning the lottery. We are now seeing the power being shifted to the employee and not the employer as the rise in people quitting jobs to chase remote work is reaching record numbers. In 2021 alone, we saw a record number 47 million americans quit their jobs in 2021, as report by the Harvard Business Review.

Startups hiring graduate or less experienced web designers to “save costs” often hire for the long term, but don’t make it past the three months probation. This is where Webflow memberships can help alleviate. Not only do companies build trust and relationships with the developer/agency that built their website, but the in-depth brainstorming sessions and synchronicity will provide easy website edits for the future, overall saving your business hundreds of unnecessary recruitment hours. 

On-going content changes:

Whether you're in eCommerce, SaaS, Cryptocurrency, or any type of business your website will need constant updates and changes to stay ahead of the competition. For example, updating a fresh promotional banner or adding a new cost calculating tool for your users, or even a/b testing an animation email collecting popup. Webflow memberships are perfect for this scenario.

Roflow.co offers a membership service that requires no contracts or surprises. This means you can cancel your membership, upgrade or downgrade at any time depending on the time of the year and need for help. For example, if you have a Black Friday promotional campaign launching in September and your company needs extra web design help for this month only, the Webflow membership allows you to downgrade or even cancel when the project is over, and re-engage in more work once you are busy, it's that simple. 


Roflow’s Webflow membership tier is flexible and catered to every type of business. Roflow’s webflow memberships include a standard Webflow membership where you have your in-house designer with regular help and content changes. The second option is a design + webflow membership, ideal for those looking for both design and front-end development help and regular help. Lastly a “by the hour” membership that you use only when you need help. All memberships can be upgraded or downgraded and best of all can cancel at any given time, no drama or awkward firing and rehiring is needed.

Bottom Line:

The world is changing, remote work is here and we must change with it. Startups are now adapting to web design through remote memberships. As discussed in the article above, a Webflow designer + front development membership with Roflow.co will help save you a lot money and time while also providing you top-notched website maintenance, with flexibility. Whether you are a startup or a mature fortune 500 company, investing in a reliable Webflow membership can be a game-changing return in investment.