Understanding the basics


  • Have business registration in Hong Kong
  • Unlisted companies with substantial business operations
  • Must meet the funding scope

Key Features

Easy BUD Application offers funding at a rate of 50% of the project cost, with a maximum funding limit of HKD 100,000 per project. The total cumulative funding amount can reach up to HKD 7 million.

Documents needed:

  • Online Application Form
  • Copy of Business Registration Certificate
  • Copy of business proof documents, such as commercial contracts, office lease agreements, invoices, MPF contribution records, etc.
  • Copy of proof of total annual turnover for the previous year (except for newly established businesses in the current year)

Projects Accepted

  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Designing / Producing Promotional Materials
  • Establishing / Optimizing Company Websites
  • Participating in Trade Shows and Related Expenses
  • Testing and Certification Services
  • Mobile Applications for Promotional Purposes
  • Application for Product Patents, Trademark Registration, or Copyright Protection


Applicants can fill in their applications and upload all supporting documents online easily. Submission by post, by e-mail, or in person would not be accepted. The link for this submission is https://apply.bud.hkpc.org/index.php?lang=en

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