Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS)

Understanding the basics

The Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) is a funding scheme offered by the Hong Kong Government to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in enhancing their competitiveness and productivity. The scheme provides financial assistance to eligible SMEs for projects that aim to improve their business operations, upgrade their technology, and enhance their overall capabilities.


A company will be eligible to apply if it –

  1. is incorporated in Hong Kong;
  2. has a current business registration certificate;
  3. is not a government subvented organisation; and
  4. is not a subsidiary of any government subvented organisation.

Key Features

  • Provides on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis.
  • Maximum Funding Support: $10 million per approved project.
  • Maximum Project Duration: 24 months in general.
  • Intellectual Property Rights Ownership: recipient company.
  • Recoupment of Government's Contribution: NOT required.
  • Benefit Sharing of Commercialised R&D Results: NOT mandatory.

Projects Accepted

Including but not limited to:

  • Product development
  • Branding
  • Adoption of innovative technology
  • Research and development
  • Digital Transformation


ESS invites applications for funding all year round. Please read the following documents before application.

Upon submission of all the required information and documents by the enterprise, project application will be considered by an assessment panel comprising independent experts in the innovation and technology sector based on the following components:

  • Innovation and Technology Component;
  • Technical and Management Capability;
  • Financial Considerations;
  • Commercial Viability of Project Deliverables; and
  • Relevance in Overall Interest of the Community or with Government Policies.

Please use this link for filling out the application form: https://itcfas.itf.gov.hk/itcfas/

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